Op 08-001

lawyer in law firm serving as “of counsel” to another lawyer or law firm; ethical implications of the “of counsel” relationship as to registration status, firm names and letterhead, division of fees, conflicts of interest, multiple “of counsel” relationships; and “of counsel” relationship with out-of-state lawyers or law firms

Op. 23-02

Solicitation of Clients by Nonprofit Legal Aid Lawyers

Op 90-011

legal services attorney making in-person offer to represent indigent defendant who appeared in court without representation

Op 00-005

attorney participating as a “referral affiliate attorney” for an online referral service that requires the attorney to pay the service a percentage of legal fees earned from the clients referred

Op 02-004

paralegal taking deposition; out-of-state attorney taking deposition in Ohio; Ohio attorney taking deposition in state outside of Ohio

Op 04-009

attorney sending letter to chiropractor asking to meet to provide information regarding the attorney’s legal services; mutual referral agreements; self-recommendation

Op. 19-08

Duty to Report Criminal Defense Lawyer Employed in Same Law Firm as County Prosecutor

Op 02-011

lawyer participating in a group legal services plan paid for by a church to provide estate planning services at no cost to church members

Op 15-002

lawyer may make brochures and law firm information available near the exit of the seminar at which the lawyer has presented

Op 89-025

legal aid society referring cases in which it has a conflict to volunteer lawyers’ project

Op 87-001

lawyer advancing expenses of litigation on behalf of client

Op 92-001

lawyer paying percentage of fees earned to bar association lawyer referral service