Op 02-009

judge appointed member of Ohio Childrenโ€™s Trust Fund Board; judge appointed member of a County Family and Children First Council

Op 91-010

judge as partner in a for profit partnership to provide continuing legal education

Op 00-002

attorney submitting detailed legal bills to an outside audit company hired by insurer without first obtaining client consent after full disclosure

Op 09-001

full-time magistrate engaging in outside employment as an independent contractor performing legal research projects for a legal publishing company

Op 91-007

lawyer referral service providing joint advertising and screening of potential client for referral to lawyers

Op 96-002

attorney communication with opposing party who is a minor and is unrepresented by counsel

Op 89-014

lawyer who prepared will named as executor; testifying in a proceeding

Op 02-004

paralegal taking deposition; out-of-state attorney taking deposition in Ohio; Ohio attorney taking deposition in state outside of Ohio

Op 03-004

whether president/CEO and employees of non-profit organization that operates a community-based correctional facility and program on which judge serves asmember of judicial corrections board are judicial officers or employees for purposes of Ohio Ethics Law

Op 88-030

clientโ€™s authority to make decisions regarding representation

Op 94-012

judge reporting compensation for teaching at state private colleges or universities on topics related to the law, legal system, or administration of justice

Op 99-008

criminal defense attorneyโ€™s duty to notify court of a clerical error in a defendantโ€™s sentence in a judgment entry drafted by the prosecutorโ€™s office; duty to notify court of a possible misinterpretation of a sentence by the Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections

Op 09-006

outsourcing legal or support services domestically or abroad, either directly to lawyers or nonlawyers or indirectly through an independent service provider; disclosure; supervision; billing as fee or expense


law firm hiring suspended/disbarred lawyers