Op 90-010

part-time prosecutor in child enforcement agency; representation of opposing parties by part-time CSEA attorney and part-time public defender who are siblings and in private practice together

Op 10-006

lawyer entering into a contingent fee agreement whereby client grants lawyer a power of attorney to take any action and execute all documents the attorney deems necessary in the matter, including but not limited to signing on the client’s behalf a settlement agreement and release, a settlement check, or a closing statement

Op 89-012

limiting liability when rendering title opinions based on abstracting services done by non-attorneys

Op 10-004

judge, who has sentenced offender for a felony or a misdemeanor offense, granting the offender’s request to fulfill a community control sanction of community service by making a financial contribution to a charitable organization

Op 03-001

law firm’s representation of buyers or sellers of business entities; laws firm’s assistance in locating buyers or sellers through the law firm or through ancillary business; law firm’s referrals to business broker; law firm’s referrals to lenders; law firm’s fee based on percentage of transaction price; law firm sharing fee with business broker

Op. 23-05

Appearance of a Lawyer Affiliated with the Law Firm of a Judge’s Spouse

Op. 23-07

Discharged Lawyer’s Solicitation of Former Client

Op 11-003

Abusing the Prestige of Judicial Office:Bar Association Elections

Op 88-014

lawyer videotaping the reading and execution of a will

Op 94-007

lawyer or law firm owning ancillary business that provides law related services

Op 95-009

judge reporting compensation for teaching continuing legal education classes or courses

Op 97-003

attorney’s surreptitious recording of conversations with clients, opposing parties, opposing counsel, and others

Op 96-001

attorney communication with former employees of a corporation

Op 06-003

probate judge teaching a course on adult protective services at a training program for employees of county departments of job and family services and receiving compensation