Op 06-003

probate judge teaching a course on adult protective services at a training program for employees of county departments of job and family services and receiving compensation

Op 15-001

Judicial Performance of Civil Marriages of Same-Sex Couples

Op 98-004

recommendations for applicants seeking certification as attorney specialists

Op 06-001

part-time judge or part-time magistrate reporting compensation for activities as a licensed real-estate salesperson

Op 16-009

out-of-state lawyer practicing exclusively before federal courts and agencies

Op 89-025

legal aid society referring cases in which it has a conflict to volunteer lawyersโ€™ project

Op. 22-05

Lawyer Notarization of Affidavit of Client

Op 89-015

use of title โ€œjudgeโ€; identifying incumbent by title; use of โ€œfor judgeโ€; shared advertising

Op 17-002

judge reporting lawyer misconduct

Op. 22-13

Taking of a Deposition by a Paralegal or Out-of-State Lawyer

Op 10-002

lawyerโ€™s duty to deliver lawyerโ€™s notes of interview with a current or former client when current or former client requests client file

Op 04-013

municipal court judge preparing and signing a letter requesting local businesses to donate small items for use as program rewards and incentives for defendants in mental court; judge directing court employees to solicit such donations

Op 91-013

health care professional who provides marital counseling to judge and spouse or who provides psychiatric treatment to judgeโ€™s spouse


attorneyโ€™s ethical duty to deliver files to former client

Op 88-036

full-time judge/referee preparing wills relatives