Op 91-021

executor of close friendโ€™s estate

Op 16-06

ethical implications for lawyers under Ohioโ€™s medical marijuana law (But see Prof.Cond.R. 1.2(d)(2))

Op 16-006

ethical implications for lawyers under Ohioโ€™s medical marijuana law (But see Prof.Cond.R. 1.2(d)(2))


out-of-state law firm representing out-of-state lending institution regarding loans made to entities or persons in Ohio and secured by property in Ohio

Op. 23-10

Lawyerโ€™s Obligation When Letter of Protection Issued to Medical Services Provider

Op 03-008

magistrate who is a judicial candidate appearing in a judicial robe in photographs used in campaign advertising; magistrate using title โ€œmagistrateโ€ when listed as a contributor in a dinner program of a political party; using personal or campaign funds to attend social or fund-raising political events, to support or oppose candidates for public office, to […]


lawyer for public entity that contracts with an agency seeking land variance representing landowners opposed to variance

Op 03-005

law director or assistant law director acting as an advocate in a trial in which another attorney in the law directorโ€™s office will testify as a witness on behalf of the city

Op 11-002

Multijurisdictional Practice and Debt Settlement Legal Services

Op 12-003

Non-recourse Civil Litigation Advance Contracts: Guidance for Ohio Lawyers

Op 97-004

judicial law clerk concurrently engaging in the part-time private practice of law

Op 06-006

CSEA staff attorney representing the state in a contempt action filed against a party for failure to abide by a court order involving a CSEA matter in which that staff attorney issued administrative orders as a CSEA administrative hearing officer; representing the state in any other action involving a CSEA matter in which that staff […]

Op 91-006

lawyer licensed by federal bar only

Op. 19-06

Ethical Obligation to Deliver a Former Clientโ€™s File