Op 16-008

client testimonials in advertisements, online, and in social media; settlement and verdict amounts

Op. 19-06

Ethical Obligation to Deliver a Former Clientโ€™s File

Op 89-031

certified public accounting firm hiring lawyer

Op. 21-12

Letter of Recommendation Provided by Judge

Op 09-003

county prosecuting attorney representing multiple statutory clients in the negotiation of a contract or a memorandum of understanding; representing multiple statutory client in the filing of a lawsuit by one of the client asserting a claim against the other; representation by different assistant prosecuting attorneys

Op 02-010

probation officer employed in a municipal court department of probation soliciting or accepting employment by a for-profit company that operates a driversโ€™ intervention program for defendants found guilty of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and sentenced by the court to attend a driversโ€™ intervention program as a condition of probation

Op 88-033

criminal defense lawyerโ€™s blanket motion to suppress