Op. 21-01 Judicial Membership on Nonprofit Corporation Board Providing Services to Court
Op. 21-02 Loan from Financial Institution to Advance Costs and Expenses of Litigation
Op. 21-03 Lawyer -Shareholder Representing a Closely Held Corporation in a Private Arbitration
Op. 21-04 Competitive Online Keyword Advertising
Op. 21-05 Communication of a Lawyer Specialization in a Field of Law Not Designated by the Supreme Court
Op. 21-06 Judicial Disqualification When Receiving Fees or Other Payments From Former Law Firm
Op. 21-07 Employment Agreements Regarding Division of Fees Earned Post-Separation 
Op. 21-08 Judicial Participation in a Documentary Film
Op. 21-09 Employment of a Disqualified or Suspended Lawyer
Op. 21-10   Practicing Under a Common Trade Name Franchised Nationally to Lawyers and Law Firms
Op. 21-11 Extrajudicial Activities of Teaching and Speaking
Op. 21-12 Letter of Recommendation Provided by Judge